The Navigatrix has been updated. The new website can be found at

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 Post subject: CelNav 0.2.2 - the Rainy Day edition
Site Admin

Joined: 20 Mar 2012, 13:32
Posts: 116
An update for the CelNav application that is part of Navigatrix' Navigation menu.
CelNav-0.2.2.tar.gz [1.1 MiB]
Downloaded 579 times

What has changed?

  • Improved accuracy for GHA Aries: The new version uses the sidereal_time method of PyEphem's Observer object rather than the formula from chapter 15 in Henning Umland's A Short Introduction to Celestial Navigation. The difference between the two methods is small (< 1 arc minute), so it was more of a nuisance than a navigational issue. In any case, the new values for GHA Aries now match the values published in the Nautical Almanac.
  • Change in semi diameter calculation for Sun and Moon from topocentric to geocentric so that the displayed values now match the Nautical Almanac. Again. more of a nuisance than a navigational issue in the old version.


Installation of the new version under Navigatrix should be straight forward:
  • Unpack the attached archive above into any directory
  • In the file manager go to that directory and open the CelNav-0.2.2 folder that was extracted from the archive
  • Press [F4] to open a terminal window in the current CelNav-0.2.2 directory
  • At the command prompt enter
    sudo python install

    You will be asked to enter your password and then the setup script does a little magic.

That's it. when it's done, selecting Manta Menu -> Navigation -> CelNav should now launch the new version. The ini, cfg, log and error files will be in $HOME/.celnav.

You can tell that the new version is running by checking the version in the applications title bar:
cn_0_2_2.png [ 61.24 KiB | Viewed 60164 times ]

The files for the old version will not be overwritten but renamed with an additional ".old" extension (the setup script will actually print a message for each file that is renamed/moved). So you can revert to the old version in case something goes horibbly wrong during installation. There also is a README file in the CelNav-0.2.2 directory with more detailed set-up information.

The archive and the extraction directory can be removed after installation.

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