You have some files (photos, music, whatever) and you want to give them to a friend who is sipping a Hinano on the other side of the table, room, anchorage but is connected to the same router as you.
Find out what your address is with
ifconfig |grep inet\ having a space after the slash.
wadda@mini:~$ ifconfig | grep inet\
inet addr: Bcast: Mask:
inet addr: Mask:
I'm currently connected at is a local address.
Change to the directory the file(s) is/are located; e.g.,
cd Downloads/Tonga
then enter
python -m SimpleHTTPServer 8080
Yell over to you computer pal "Oi!, I'm at"
He, she, it types that information into the browser URL bar/box...hits <Enter> and miliseconds later can see and access all the files within the
Downloads/Tonga directory and sub-directories, but no files/directories 'upstream', like
Downloads, or
Downloads/privé, etc..
The files can either be downloaded individually or collectively with
DownThemAll that is included in every Navigatrix system.
When you're done, close the terminal, or hit
<ctrl><c> and the connection is severed.
With the speed of a good ethernet connection it will be faster than copying the files to a USB, handing it over to be copied off the USB and trying to your stick back.