Sometimes software doesn't know our screens are 'only' 600 pixels high...minus a toolbar. This script allows us to change resolution, beyond capabilities, stressing only our eyes, not the video chips.
to create a directory for a local script.
# Marc Brumlik, Tailored Software Inc,
[email protected]# Wed Jan 2 05:23:54 CST 2013
# newrez v 1.0
# use xrandr to scale the display to a new resolution
# rewriten to handle mouse boundaries when scaled
# this requires setting a new resolution to the unused VGA1 device
# then scaling that for B display on the LVDS1 device
# modified by Moe because he's lazy and doesn't like to type.
umask 000
# resolution can optionally be specified on command line
# we MUST be running xrandr 1.3 or higher
if xrandr -v | grep "RandR version 1.[012]"
then zenity --info --title="XRandR version is too old" --text="You must be running Xrandr
version 1.3 or newer!
Time to upgrade your system :-)"
exit 0
# find the currently connected devices, make a list
devices=`xrandr -q | grep connected | grep -v disconnected | cut -d"(" -f1`
# there MUST be a "connected" LVDS1 and a "disconnected" VGA1
current=`xrandr -q`
if echo "$current" | grep "LVDS1 connected" >/dev/null
then : OK
else zenity --info --title="PROBLEM" --text="Current display must be LVDS1"; exit 0
if echo "$current" | grep "VGA1 disconnected" >/dev/null
then : OK
else zenity --info --title="IMPORTANT" --text="The VGA1 display resolution may be affected by this change"
default=`echo "$current" | grep -A 1 "^LVDS1" | tail -1 | awk '{print $1}'`
H=`echo $default | cut -d'x' -f1`
V=`echo $default | cut -d'x' -f2`
HZ=`echo $default | awk '{print $2}' | tr -d '[*+]'`
# echo DEFAULT: $default $H $V
text="Default Resolution: $default"
if [ -z "$newrez" ]
then while true
newrez=$(zenity --title="$title" --list \
--height=250 --width 250 --text="$text" \
--radiolist --column="X" --hide-column=2 --column="Resolution" --column="Screen Size" \
TRUE default Default \
FALSE 1280x800 "1280 X 800 -- 125%" \
FALSE 1440x900 "1440 X 900 -- 140%" )
# additional settings can be added here
# changing the above ")" to a "\"
# with the last one in the list ending with ")"
# For example:
# FALSE 1440x900 "1440 X 900 -- 140%" \
# FALSE 4096x2400 "4096 X 2400 Maximum" )
case $newrez in
default|[0-9]*x[0-9]*) break ;;
exit 0
case $newrez in
default) xrandr --output VGA1 --auto --output LVDS1 --auto
xrandr --output LVDS1 --mode $default --scale 1x1
exit 0 ;;
newH=`echo $newrez | cut -d'x' -f1`
newV=`echo $newrez | cut -d'x' -f2`
modeline=`cvt $newH $newV $HZ | grep Modeline`
newmode=`echo "$modeline" | sed 's/^.*"//'`
cvtrez=`echo "$modeline" | sed -e 's/_.*//' -e 's/^.*"//'`
if [ "$newrez" != "$cvtrez" ]
then newrez=$cvtrez
newH=`echo $newrez | cut -d'x' -f1`
newV=`echo $newrez | cut -d'x' -f2`
scaleH=`echo -e "scale=10\n$newH / $H\nquit" | bc`
scaleV=`echo -e "scale=10\n$newV / $V\nquit" | bc`
if echo "$current" | grep -A 100 "^VGA1" | grep $newrez >/dev/null
then : already there
else xrandr --newmode "$newrez" $newmode
xrandr --addmode VGA1 $newrez
if xrandr --output VGA1 --mode $newrez --output LVDS1 --fb $newrez --scale $scaleH"x"$scaleV 2>&1 | tee -a /tmp/xrandr.err
then : success
else zenity --info --title="Xrandr produced this error" --text="`cat /tmp/xrandr.err`"
The problem could be that Your video driver
does not support xrandr version 1.3
rm -f /tmp/xrandr.err
Save and exit the text editor.
Test it out with the Desktop icon.