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 Post subject: FTDI serial usb driver

Joined: 22 Nov 2013, 14:40
Posts: 5
hi guy's
I'm used to Windows OS. I'm trying navigatrix on my new car pc (which is installed in my boat :D ). You made a really good job this is impressive.
There is only one item not working. I don't know if it is a configuration problem or OS setup. I have a multiplexer (from which is working and was used to be connected to USB to the PC. OpenCPN receive the NMEA sentences by this way.

This is the last point not working. I tried to "google" to find a trick but without a lot of success. As far as I could checked, FTDI driver is installed and running. But /dev/ttyusb0 is never display. I'm logged on as administrator.

Any clue ?

Many thanks

 Post subject: Re: FTDI serial usb driver

Joined: 22 Nov 2013, 14:40
Posts: 5
Hello again,

first of all sorry to post on the wrong forum. this should be in "how to..."

In this section I found a similar problem with shipmodul multiplexer.
So I controled my installation and I have a stream that can be checked with sudo cat /de/ttyUSB0

but still nothing in Opencpn. Only ttyS0 and ttyS1 are available. I manually input ttyUSB0 but there is no stream.

any idea ?

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