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 Post subject: Making KAP Charts out of Google Earth

Joined: 05 Jul 2013, 08:53
Posts: 72
With the Windows version GE2Kap it is possible to make KAP Charts out of Google Earth pictures. Is this also possible for the Navigatrix version under Linux. I tried to install GE2KAP under Wine, no positiv results.

Can anybody help me with this.?


 Post subject: Re: Making KAP Charts out of Google Earth

Joined: 21 May 2013, 14:53
Posts: 93
Hola, Fernando!

check this post out, about the use of the map2kap script. This ruby script lets you convert any picture files to opncpn usable kap files.

Best regards, Adrian

 Post subject: Re: Making KAP Charts out of Google Earth

Joined: 04 Nov 2010, 20:51
Posts: 1062
This is my understanding regarding GE2KAP and Google Earth

GE2KAP accesses Google Earth through ActiveX.

There is no Linux equivalent to ActiveX., just as there is no GE browser plugin.

I'm told this is because ActiveX opens security holes.

While there are people who are trying to build ways to interact with Google Earth that are secure, it hasn't been accomplished yet and Google doesn't seem eager to make it it seems.

I'm going to look at the Adrian's suggestion which I had missed earlier.

Ever since Zelda gave me a USB with GE 'charts' I've been thinking of having a repository for them so people wouldn't have to 'reinvent the wheel'. But I dithered on quality control, and how to keep crap files and reduplication out of the repository without hand there's nothing.

 Post subject: Re: Making KAP Charts out of Google Earth

Joined: 28 Sep 2016, 15:36
Posts: 1
I just finished creating a set of charts for OpenCPN using Linux. I used the instructions here: ... _earth.php

The only place where I had trouble was in the very small scale zooms. Around a resort area, Google tries to make the buildings 3D, which messes up the registration of the charts. As long as you stay zoomed out enough that Google Maps doesn't go 3D, you will be able to create very nice KAP files using the instructions above.

 Post subject: Re: Making KAP Charts out of Google Earth
Site Admin

Joined: 05 Nov 2010, 01:00
Posts: 185
Thankyou for this information. Maybe i can come up with a script to make this process automatic.

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