As an alternative to Scrapbook for the purpose of downloading a local copy of the documentation pages, you could also use wget. It makes it a bit easier to restrict the download only to the documentation pages. This can be difficult to control with Scrapbook's "Depth of links to follow" option which will also follow external links (and onwards from there). In addition, wget will convert links between the pages you download to local links so that you can browse across the local downloaded pages.
To download via wget do the following:
(1) In the File Manager create a directory into which you want to save the documentation.
(2) Open this new, empty directory in the File Manager and then press [F4]. This will open a terminal window set to this new directory.
(3) At the prompt in the terminal window enter (you can copy the text below, place the cursor at the terminal prompt and press [ctrl]+[shift]+[V] to paste it at the prompt):
wget -r -np -nH --cut-dirs=1
This will download all pages, required images and style sheets for the documentation and display its progress while it's busy.
(4) Once the download is complete double click on the file index.html to access your local version of the documentation
If you haven't already done so, check out Scrapbook in any case - it is a *very* handy tool, especially for downloading complex individual pages. Perhaps there is also a simple way to restrict the download of multiple pages as described above and I simply haven't figured it out yet...