I don't have a hotmail account so cannot test the specifics but the general procedure would be as follows:
In Sylpheed's menu select Configuration >> Create new account. If you want to replicate the folder structure you may have in your online hotmail account and also keep a copy of your mails on the server (rather than downloading and deleting from server) select IMAP4. Click on Next.
In the next dialogue enter your name and (hotmail) email address and click Next.
On the next screen I assume for hotmail your email is also your user id, so enter this in the first field. For IMAP4 server enter imap-mail.outlook.com. Check the "SSL" box. For SMTP server enter smtp-mail.outlook.com. Check the "SSL" and "Use SMTP authentication" boxes.
Finish the dialogue. You will prompted to enter you hotmail password which you can skip at this point as you will need to change one more setting: In the Sylpheed's menu select Configuration >> Edit accounts and then select "Edit" in the box that pops up.
Go to the "Advanced" tab and select "Specify SMTP port" and enter 587 for the port number.
Complete the dialogue and click on "Get all" in the Sylphhed toolbar. This should prompt you for your password and get your emails.
I took the hotmail server parameters above from this site:
http://www.limilabs.com/blog/hotmail-im ... p-settings. If these don't work you can google for "hotmail imap" and see if you find more current info.