Hello !
I am currently downloading navigatrix, and willing to use it from now ! (I've been a Debian and Tails user for years, so I'm happy to see such an OS existing, plus a good friend of mine recommended it)
But md5 is old and broken, so that would be awesome to have a better way to make sure we downloaded a clean version
Could you create a PGP key and use it to sign the ISO images ? You could thus have your key signed by people you meet, and make use of the pgp web of trust.
Also, https is not enabled by default when we access the website, and when manually enabled, it seems to have some content loaded through http. Could you fix that ?
And last point, but very important for me : could you enable access to your website through the Tor network ? At the moment I can't access it through Tor, and I use only tor to go on internet… Right now I have to create a tunnel to a server (through Tor) and proxy my browser to it.
Thank you very very much !!