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 Post subject: How do I increase the max volume in Navigatrix

Joined: 06 Feb 2011, 21:20
Posts: 5

The sound volume is too low on my Eee PC 900 netbook in Navigatrix. I had the same problem in PuppEee Linux and was told to buy external speakers. :(

It is (was) quite a bit louder globally in Windows XP and I could crank it up really loud in VLC mediaplayer in XP, so it's not the hardware.

I have checked the mixer and everything is up to max except for the microphone.

Googling has so far found a few people with the same problem in other Linux distros, but the answers are either not applicable to Navigatrix or people are saying "check the mixer settings". I've already done that.


 Post subject: Re: How do I increase the max volume in Navigatrix
Site Admin

Joined: 05 Nov 2010, 01:00
Posts: 185
I use a Asus EEE 900 too. And the max volume is loud and clear. When you set the volume, make sure you set the master volume and the headphone mixer setting to the maximum. You may use Manta->Preferences->Sound Mixer or go to the terminal and use alsamixer to get access to all the different volume switches.
Sometimes certain music files and/or avi files are recorded with low volume. They will have less volume than expected normally.

 Post subject: Re: How do I increase the max volume in Navigatrix

Joined: 06 Feb 2011, 21:20
Posts: 5
David wrote:
I use a Asus EEE 900 too. And the max volume is loud and clear. When you set the volume, make sure you set the master volume and the headphone mixer setting to the maximum. You may use Manta->Preferences->Sound Mixer or go to the terminal and use alsamixer to get access to all the different volume switches.
Sometimes certain music files and/or avi files are recorded with low volume. They will have less volume than expected normally.

I've checked both in Sound Mixer and Alsamixer and everything is maxed out.

At the moment I am listening to the BBC World Service: ... tream=live

I'm straining a bit to hear it, particularly if the cabin fan near me is on (it's not a loud fan). I haven't played a lot of audio content in Navigatrix yet, but since it's exactly the same behaviour as in PuppEee Linux and I never had this problem in Windows, it must be an issue with the Linux audio drivers.


 Post subject: Re: How do I increase the max volume in Navigatrix

Joined: 02 Jul 2012, 12:32
Posts: 33
I have a similar problem when trying to use skype. Everything is maxed out but I cannot be heard and I cannot hear very well.
At the moment I have to use my windows skype until I can get this sorted. T

 Post subject: Re: How do I increase the max volume in Navigatrix

Joined: 04 Nov 2010, 20:51
Posts: 1062
Heya're not forgotten; I'm just up to my ears and everyone else is shy.

Are you using internal mic/speakers on what machine? How is the volume for other applications?

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