I installed Kino, so it is perfect tool to capture video from dv-camera via firewire. But it does not see
/dev/raw1394 and therefore a camera also, notifying that
raw1394 kernel module not loaded or failure to read/write /dev/raw1394I go in /dev and can't find there raw1394 file, i create it from blank file with proper name and execute
sudo chmod a+rw /dev/raw1394
in terminal and than check
ls -l /dev/raw1394
and have following answer
andrey@andrey-navi:~$ ls -l /dev/raw1394
-rw-rw-rw- 1 root root 260 2013-04-18 21:47 /dev/raw1394
how it is explained
hereBut any may have this error. What can be wrong?