Take a deep breathe.....
The problem you are experiencing with the package manager is two fold.
When you obtained a copy of the system there is a list of programs installed and a list of packages available from the repositories.
Yes, OpenCPN appears on the list; because it is an installed application. But as far as the system is concerned there are no other options available except to remove it.
Secondly, even when you update the list of software packages available from the prepositories...OpenCPN is not in the repositories. So as far as the system is concerned you are back to the first problem...your only option through the Package Manager is to remove it.
OpenCPN is not available through the repositories; it is available through a Personal Package Archive (ppa). I'm sorry for any confusion. Until recently it was unnecessary (it still is unnecessary, but now it's not as frivolous) and I hadn't given it any thought. We do have a similar problem in that good free help is hard to find.
The instructions for adding OpenCPN's ppa are on their website. They are:
Add line saying "deb
http://ppa.launchpad.net/opencpn/opencpn/ubuntu lucid main" to /etc/apt/sources.list
In terminal, execute the following commands:
sudo apt-key adv --keyserver keyserver.ubuntu.com --recv-keys C865EB40
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install opencpn
What they don't tell you is; Open a terminal and execute:
sudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list
deb http://ppa.launchpad.net/opencpn/opencpn/ubuntu lucid main
to the bottom of the file you have just opened; Save the file; close the editor and then continue with the rest of the commands. Don't let the fact that these are the instruction for Debian, but ubuntu is the location of the ppa...that just the way it is. More information about the ppa is available from
Upgrading will also install a little helper package called tinyxml
Now upgrading will break some things as well. AIS through your soundcard will not work unless it is reconfigured. You will have to set up OpenCPN to use gpsd or you will have fits. And I think you will have two OpenCPN icons; one will work. OpenCPN changed the location of their files in the new version and the installer is stock and doesn't accommodate variation.