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 Post subject: print screen

Joined: 06 Jan 2013, 16:56
Posts: 62
How do I print screen and save it as an image? I tried "ctr pri scr" button and ctr V does not seem to work.

 Post subject: Re: print screen

Joined: 04 Nov 2010, 20:51
Posts: 1062
Pressing only Print should take a screenshot; give it a name with the year, month...etc.; and then place that image, as a file, on the Desktop.

The script (/usr/local/bin/screenshot) is bound to the <Print> key.
if [ "$1" = "window" ]; then
  scrot '%Y-%m-%d_%H%M%S_$wx$h.png' -e 'mv $f \$HOME/Desktop/' -u
  scrot '%Y-%m-%d_%H%M%S_$wx$h.png' -e 'mv $f \$HOME/Desktop/'
In the configuration file ~/.config/openbox/navigatrix-rc.xml are the 'key bindings'; captivating reading if you have time
<!-- Launch scrot when Print is pressed --><keybind key="Print"><action name="Execute"><command>screenshot</command></action></keybind>
or a combination <Alt><Print> for a screenshot of the active window only
<!-- Take a screenshot of the current window with scrot when Alt+Print are pressed --><keybind key="A-Print"><action name="Execute"><command>screenshot window</command></action></keybind>
Enter: /home/nx/.config/openbox/navigatrix-rc.xml in the URL bar of the web browser for a quick thrill (nx changed to your current username, if different). Enter medit /home/nx/.config/openbox/navigatrix-rc.xml in a terminal if you want to change anything.

Give that a shot. If it's not working for you we can figure out how to fix it.

 Post subject: Re: print screen

Joined: 06 Jan 2013, 16:56
Posts: 62
Thks Moe. I was wondering what happens when u press prt scrn in Linux and now I know. I was not aware that the image was saved in the desktop screen. I seldom look at the desktop screen as I always leave my laptop on and just close the lid when I finished using the laptop. This brings me to the next question; do u need to turn the laptop off and one once in a while? I have to admit sometimes when the laptop seem a bit sluggish (esp when on the net) & when the laptop is being on for weeks with multiple internet tabs, truning it on and off seems to speed things up (or is it my imagination).

 Post subject: Re: print screen

Joined: 04 Nov 2010, 20:51
Posts: 1062
Same here...same with any flat surface, real or virtual.

If you have, or would like, a special place to stash your screenshots edit /user/local/bin/screenshot.

Change \$HOME/Desktop/ to \$HOME/my_special_place/ or \$HOME/Pictures/screenshots/, or \$HOME/whatever/

...create, or make sure the directory exists before you grab a screenshot, and you can fill it up with images of everything that is covering up your desktop.

There is a raging debate on turning a machine off when not in use to calculate the boot waiting time; energy consumption; wear and tear; etc. against options of letting it run, suspend, hibernate or some mix.

Do what you want.

The slowness you speak of sounds more like Firefox being Firefox. But I'm guessing.

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