Pressing only
Print should take a screenshot; give it a name with the year, month...etc.; and then place that image, as a file, on the Desktop.
The script (
/usr/local/bin/screenshot) is bound to the <
Print> key.
if [ "$1" = "window" ]; then
scrot '%Y-%m-%d_%H%M%S_$wx$h.png' -e 'mv $f \$HOME/Desktop/' -u
scrot '%Y-%m-%d_%H%M%S_$wx$h.png' -e 'mv $f \$HOME/Desktop/'
In the configuration file
~/.config/openbox/navigatrix-rc.xml are the 'key bindings'; captivating reading if you have time
<!-- Launch scrot when Print is pressed --><keybind key="Print"><action name="Execute"><command>screenshot</command></action></keybind>
or a combination <
Print> for a screenshot of the active window only
<!-- Take a screenshot of the current window with scrot when Alt+Print are pressed --><keybind key="A-Print"><action name="Execute"><command>screenshot window</command></action></keybind>
/home/nx/.config/openbox/navigatrix-rc.xml in the URL bar of the web browser for a quick thrill (
nx changed to your current username, if different). Enter
medit /home/nx/.config/openbox/navigatrix-rc.xml in a terminal if you want to change anything.
Give that a shot. If it's not working for you we can figure out how to fix it.