- A Voyager's Companion

Install Wine Programms under NX
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Author:  lapaloma [ 15 Jul 2014, 04:46 ]
Post subject:  Install Wine Programms under NX

I have installed Echoling and other Windows program under Wine. Now I cannot see them in any menu under the Manta menu. How do I make this visible. I have a installation where the home directory is in a different partion on the HD.


Author:  Moe [ 15 Jul 2014, 06:33 ]
Post subject:  Re: Install Wine Programms under NX

Find the path to your installed application.

It should be /opt/wine/drive_c/Program Files

When you locate the .exe report back and we can walk through the steps to create a menu entry.

Author:  lapaloma [ 15 Jul 2014, 11:01 ]
Post subject:  Re: Install Wine Programms under NX

thanks moe,

I find the path her: /opt/wine/drive_c/Program Files/K1RFD/EchoLink
in this directory ther is the exe file

hope we can fix it.

Author:  Moe [ 15 Jul 2014, 19:57 ]
Post subject:  Re: Install Wine Programms under NX

Everything is fixable.

Menu entries are <some-application>.desktop files placed in one of several directories. They are similar to the <some-app>.lnk 'shortcuts' used in other operating systems.

These .desktop files contain
  • Name= is what appears in menus and places;
  • Name[xx]= is the name that appears in the menu of xx language;
  • Comment= is what appears when the tooltip hovers on the name;
  • Comment[xx]= is the tooltip in xx language;
  • Exec= is the unabbreviated path to the executable, which can be shortened to just the official name of the app, when the executable is on-the-path;
  • Icon= is the path to the icon, which can be abbreviated to the official name when the icon is in the default icon set;
  • Terminal= run in a terminal;
  • Categories= is the official category in which to display the item in the menus.
What trips up most people when the first create a Menu Entry is to use an 'unofficial' category. That is use a Menu Category that doesn't exist and therefore never shows up in the Menu.

Avoid this by using a real menu entry of something similar as a template.
sudo medit /usr/share/applications/Airmail3.desktop
It looks like
[Desktop Entry]
Name[de]=Airmail <--- Notice it is translated for the German
Comment=Check you SSB eMails with Airmail
Comment[de]=SSB eMails mit Airmail empfangen und senden
Comment[es]=Recuperar correos electrónicos SSB que con el Airmail
Comment[fr]=Récupérez-vous eMails SSB avec la Airmail


Change the information to reflect the 'new' application
[Desktop Entry]
Comment=This app does something special
Comment[de]=Ich weiß nicht was es ist
Comment[es]=abrir nuevas posibilidades para la comunicación con EchoLink
Comment[fr]=ouvrent de nouvelles possibilités pour communiquer avec EchoLink

Exec=/opt/wine/dosdevices/c:/Program\ Files/K1RFD/EchoLink/EchoLink.exe
Save as/usr/share/applications/EchoLink.desktop and then
sudo update-menus
The new entry will appear under Menu>SSB Radio> EchoLink

Author:  lapaloma [ 16 Jul 2014, 02:56 ]
Post subject:  Re: Install Wine Programms under NX

I dit the change, but somhow my menue >SSB Radio> disapeared from the Manta Menu. Can I recall it?


Author:  Moe [ 16 Jul 2014, 05:46 ]
Post subject:  Re: Install Wine Programms under NX

One thing is to check for typos in the file you Save as.

...or the Categories=HamRadio; might be different for another language, and therefore disappears. I'm not really sure how this, naming and renaming of submenus works. I'll look.

Which language are you operating with?

Author:  lapaloma [ 16 Jul 2014, 06:37 ]
Post subject:  Re: Install Wine Programms under NX

I am working with German Languages


Author:  Moe [ 16 Jul 2014, 06:51 ]
Post subject:  Re: Install Wine Programms under NX


Menu> Amateurfunk> EchoLink

If it's not there double check for typos.

Author:  lapaloma [ 16 Jul 2014, 07:03 ]
Post subject:  Re: Install Wine Programms under NX

I have changed the categories=Amateurfunk

I cannot see the menu Amateurfunk in the Manta mewnu at all. It seems to have disapeared. How I can recuperate it.


Author:  Moe [ 16 Jul 2014, 07:13 ]
Post subject:  Re: Install Wine Programms under NX

No, you don't change the file. You look for the menu entry
Navigatrix-Amateurfunk.png [ 58.48 KiB | Viewed 15236 times ]

Author:  lapaloma [ 16 Jul 2014, 07:34 ]
Post subject:  Re: Install Wine Programms under NX

In the Manat menu I do not have Amateurfunk menu at all. So what to do now.


Author:  lapaloma [ 16 Jul 2014, 07:39 ]
Post subject:  Re: Install Wine Programms under NX

in the September 2013 instalation in had a wine menu in the manta menu and under there Echolink was installed. This is now not there. But never the less the Manta menu has no Amateufunk menu


Author:  Moe [ 16 Jul 2014, 07:48 ]
Post subject:  Re: Install Wine Programms under NX

Ok, are you telling me that with no typographical errors, the creation of the EchoLink.desktop file from the template of the Airmail3.desktop file removes the submenu for all the radio related applications?

Try this:
sudo updatedb
locate EchoLink.desktop
It should look similar to this:
moe@fissionchips:~$ sudo updatedb
[sudo] password for moe:
moe@fissionchips:~$ locate EchoLink.desktop
If it's similar

What happens when you delete that file?
sudo rm /usr/share/applications/EchoLink.desktop
and run
sudo update-menus

Author:  lapaloma [ 16 Jul 2014, 08:12 ]
Post subject:  Re: Install Wine Programms under NX

I had a look in to the applications directory: If I dobble click on it it is telling me this is not a valid desktop file


File comment: This is in the usr/share/application dircetors.
2014-07-16_150848_1366x768.png [ 188.79 KiB | Viewed 15233 times ]

Author:  Markus [ 16 Jul 2014, 08:29 ]
Post subject:  Re: Install Wine Programms under NX

I don't want to confuse the discussion but I had the same problem (SSB Radio/Amateurradio Menu entry dissapearing) twice after installing new software under NX 0.5 (see this post).

For some still unkown reason the configuration file in which the menu entries are cached (under $HOME/.cache/menu) had become corrupted on both occasions.
menus_005.png [ 49.68 KiB | Viewed 15234 times ]

You can open the most recent file in that directory in a text editor and check if the section for the SSB Radio menu is still in there. Somewhere in the lower third of the file should be a few lines that look like this:
SSB Radio

Check you SSB eMails with Airmail

Data Transfer
Amateur Radio Data Transfer with ARQ and flARQ

Data Transfer
Digital Modem (fldigi)
Amateur Radio Sound Card Communications flDigi

If you can't find these lines, I'm guessing you're in the same boat that I was in. The first time I had this problem it worked to simply delete the contents of the ~/.cache/menu directory and log out and in again. The second time that didn't do the trick and I had to create a new dummy user (which was set up with the correct cached config file) and then copy the content of the dummy user's config file into mine.

If you can check if you are indeed missing the configuration section in the file in ~/.cache/menu I can give you step-by-step instructions on how to restore the contents of that file (in German if that helps).


Author:  Moe [ 16 Jul 2014, 08:33 ]
Post subject:  Re: Install Wine Programms under NX

Selection_020.png [ 20.63 KiB | Viewed 15234 times ]
This is not the icon, nor the name of the menu entry provided in the example.

To figure out how to make it work, we need to find the parts that are different from the example and change them. Are you, by chance, using an older version?

It is also possible my pointing out that the Airmail template had a redundant entry was confused for instruction or humour.

Author:  lapaloma [ 16 Jul 2014, 10:36 ]
Post subject:  Re: Install Wine Programms under NX

Moe, I have repeated the process and it is working. But still have the problem that the HamRadio/Amateufunk menu is not coming up in the Manta menu. I have placed the program under the Manta menu development. it seems that all the menus are still in english in the program. I do not know some of the others by now. Many Thanks for your help

Marcus, i need some help to get the HamRadio/Amateurfunk menu working. After it will work i will place the EchoLink there. If German language is possible it would be grat.


Author:  Markus [ 16 Jul 2014, 13:22 ]
Post subject:  Re: Install Wine Programms under NX

@Moe: The instructions below simply describe how to get a "clean" menu cache file back into "~/.cache/menus".

Hallo Ferdinand,

nachfolgend das Prozedere, das fuer mich funktioniert hatte, um das "SSB Radio" Menue (und in meinem Fall zusaetzlich das "Navigation" Menue) wieder erscheinen zu lassen. Zunaechst die einfachere Variante (meine Menues sind in Englisch, aber das sollte einfach uebertragbar sein):

[1] Den Dateimaneger oeffnen und unter "View" "Show hidden" aktivieren:
menus_006.png [ 56.98 KiB | Viewed 15228 times ]

[2] Unter Deinem "Heim" Verzeichnis in das Verzeichnis ".cache/menus" navigieren. Dort sollten eine oder mehrere Dateien mit einem kryptischen langen Namen liegen:
menus_005.png [ 49.68 KiB | Viewed 15228 times ]

Diese Datei sicherheitshalber kopieren (z.B. auf den Desktop) und anschliessend aus dem ".chache/menus" Verzeichnis loeschen. Falls Du mehrere Dateien in diesem Verzeichnis hattest, alle kopieren und loeschen.

[3] Einmal ausloggen und wieder einloggen:
desktop 1_007.png
desktop 1_007.png [ 31.99 KiB | Viewed 15228 times ]

[4] Beim Einloggen wird normalerweise die geloeschte Datei automatisch neu generiert. Nach dem erneuten Einloggen solltest Du entweder das komplette Manta Menu wieder haben ODER alle Menueintraege (ausser "Logout") sind verschwunden (falls die auomatische Neugenerierung scheitert). Falls letzteres der Fall ist, einfach die Sicherheitskopie vom Desktop wieder in das ".cache/menus" Verzeichnis zurueckschieben und noch mal kurz Bescheid sagen - dann kann ich hier die 2., etwas laengere Prozedur aufschreiben.

Falls alle Menues verschwinden, sollte der Dateimanager immer noch ueber die Werkzeugleiste am unteren Bildschirmrand aufrufbar sein (zwecks Zurueckkopieren der Datei). Falls die Werkzeugleiste sich ebenfalls mysterioes verabschiedet, kannst Du gleichzeitig [Strg]+[Alt]+[T] tippen, um ein Terminalfenster zu oeffnen. Dort kannst Du dann
eingeben, um den Dateimanager manuell zu starten.

Author:  lapaloma [ 16 Jul 2014, 17:30 ]
Post subject:  Re: Install Wine Programms under NX

Ich habe es so geamcht wie Du angebene hast. Nach dem neu anmellden hat sich die Datei wieder generiert und folgede Menüs waren wieder da:


Es hat sich also nicht verändert. Das Menü SSB Radio/Amateurfunk hat sich nicht aufgebaut. Anscheinend müssen wir den schwierigen Weg gehen.


Author:  lapaloma [ 16 Jul 2014, 17:37 ]
Post subject:  Re: Install Wine Programms under NX

Hallo Markus,

stelle fest, dass bei mir auch das Navigationsmenü fehlt. Also selbe Sitiuation wie bei Dir. Ist mir vorher gar nicht aufgefallen. Also haben wir hier viel Arbeit.


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