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 Post subject: ...share files or folders between laptops over same wifi?

Joined: 06 Jan 2013, 16:56
Posts: 62
How do i securely (without getting ouside the lan) share files or folders between laptops over same wifi lan? Is there a simple way (like windows share folder) without installing Samba etc.

 Post subject: Re: ...share files or folders between laptops over same wifi

Joined: 04 Nov 2010, 20:51
Posts: 1062

sudo apt-get install gigolo
or use the Package manager.

All you need is the IP and the user:password of the machine you're connecting to and it will mount the other filesystem when you double click the icon (3), opening up the File Manager. (I don't know anything about Windows.)
Workspace_001.png [ 128.51 KiB | Viewed 18556 times ]

There is Menu> Preferences> Shared Folders, but it wasn't simple enough for me to figure out.

 Post subject: Re: ...share files or folders between laptops over same wifi

Joined: 06 Jan 2013, 16:56
Posts: 62
Hi Moe,
The second method is simply awesome and is what i want, i will try it. To kill a python program is it better to use ctr & z? i read some ctr & c only cause a keyboard interrupt.

I also like Gigolo and nowadays i like to install any programs only from the package manager if possible, rather than "apt get" as i can then uninstall it cleanly if i have to; the package manager cannot find the prog. Recently i had probs with the package mgr and updates. When i try to update (reload) the package manager, i got:
2014-08-03_160632_1280x800.png [ 166.68 KiB | Viewed 18549 times ]

even when i sudo apt-update from terminal, i got numerous errors like:
2014-08-03_162741_1280x800.png [ 136.94 KiB | Viewed 18549 times ]

I am not sure whats happening with my package manager or updates.


ps: i am suppose be racing today but no wind & raining!

 Post subject: Re: ...share files or folders between laptops over same wifi

Joined: 04 Nov 2010, 20:51
Posts: 1062
Either apt-get or the Package Manager (synaptic) will keep track of the packages installed.

Synaptic is just a graphical front end for the apt suite.

Your problem with the repositories looks like a bad repository. The IP ( is listed both for Douglas, Scotland and Boston, Massachusetts.

If you open up the Package Manager go to Settings> RepositoriesDownload from Other

A window pops up and select (2) Select Best Server. This runs a ping test to 200+ servers around the world. After a few minutes it returns with the fastest. Pick it (3)...or another one, and then reload.

That should fix your difficulties.

The python server will run until you terminate it with <ctrl><c>, or close the terminal.The running process is actual the python interpreter. When running the python interpreter interactively, (which you're not in this case) you would use <crtl><d>
Workspace_003.png [ 158.54 KiB | Viewed 18549 times ]

 Post subject: Re: ...share files or folders between laptops over same wifi

Joined: 06 Jan 2013, 16:56
Posts: 62
Thks again, guru moe!

 Post subject: Re: ...share files or folders between laptops over same wifi

Joined: 06 Jan 2013, 16:56
Posts: 62
Hi Moe,
Still no joy with another sever location:
2014-08-03_180440_1280x800.png [ 201.54 KiB | Viewed 18547 times ]

I try to manually select NZ or Aust, but no servers were showing...

Mayby I should re install synaptic?


 Post subject: Re: ...share files or folders between laptops over same wifi

Joined: 04 Nov 2010, 20:51
Posts: 1062
Did you click on the little triangle?
Choose a Download Server_004.png
Choose a Download Server_004.png [ 29.92 KiB | Viewed 18546 times ]

 Post subject: Re: ...share files or folders between laptops over same wifi

Joined: 06 Jan 2013, 16:56
Posts: 62
Doh! did not click on the inverted triangle... doing so got me to a nz server, abit faster when i reload, the synaptic manager, however, still got (also best server still fails):
2014-08-03_202402_1280x800.png [ 198.96 KiB | Viewed 18545 times ]

The synaptic manager still cant find Gigolo.

Just a thought, I cant remember when i install 0.5, could i be on 12.04 i.e. "precision"rather than "raring" ?


 Post subject: Re: ...share files or folders between laptops over same wifi

Joined: 04 Nov 2010, 20:51
Posts: 1062
There ya' go, this looks like 0.4 version. Gigolo is a fairly new (new to me) application that might not be backported to raring.

...but I just looked, and I was wrong. I am a little curious why the repositories are failing, however.

This link will get you to the package.

If you download it and use gdebi-gtk to install it you can also uninstall it with the same application (It also will update the list of installed packaged.

(sorry, don't know the Menu name/location in 0.4. It had gdebi-gtk, 0.5 has gdebi, but not the GUI gdebi-gtk)

 Post subject: Re: ...share files or folders between laptops over same wifi

Joined: 06 Jan 2013, 16:56
Posts: 62
Hi Moe,

Your Python server trick works so well, I dont think i will bother with gigolo at this stage (although it is good to know its there).

Hmm, slightly confused with the versions, I rebooted and it says Navigatrix 0.5 Sept 13, which suggest it is a ubuntu 13.01 (raring) based, and you said I am on 0.4?
My understand is 0.5 pre Sept is Ubuntu 12.04 (precision) and post Sept is 13.01 (raring) . What flavour of ubuntu is 0.4 based?

Am I all confused or have i confused you?


 Post subject: Re: ...share files or folders between laptops over same wifi

Joined: 04 Nov 2010, 20:51
Posts: 1062
Ken, don't worry, I have been confused all along. It's just compounded by the pace things change.

I had to add the "day" (Sun/Mon/Tue/etc) to my clock so I can at least try to keep up.
Workspace_005.png [ 56.38 KiB | Viewed 18536 times ]

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