Diecicentouno wrote:
Moe wrote:
Ora si sono solo scherzi con me.
I don't know what you want to write... i'm not joking...
perhaps the best think that I can do is reinstall navigatrix...
p.s. i don't know how I can attache the file... "the extension .*** is not allowed"!!
Run the following command from the terminal:
uname -r
if it doesn't say
3.13.9-dsp then you should get the latest version of Navigatrix and everything will work.
If you want to attach files to posts the easiest procedure is to rename the file <original_file_name_with_extention.ext>
.docThat is, append the whole name+extension with
.doc. For example, you want to attach a file called,
kamikaze.sh; shell scripts are not allowed, as are a bunch of others. Rename it
kamikaze.sh.doc and the machine will accept it.
Other people will have a clue what it is.
The stumbling block you encountered was set up by the authors of the site software to keep malicious code from operating on the website, not to just be irritating.