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 Post subject: logbook layouts

Joined: 19 Jun 2014, 10:26
Posts: 2
Im trying to set up the logbook plugin and need some help.

Layouts - It seems that I need to install some layouts - but I cant find them. I see the install layouts button in tools/plugins/preferences - I think the file im looking for is I found .opencpn/plugins/logbook/data/ODTlayouts/ and ../HTMLayouts/ - but nothing in those dirs...?
-Where can I find them?
-What is the purpose of the layouts - data entry or retrieval?

In the above directories, I find the logbook.txt, crew.txt etc... The only file with data is the logbook, though I have populated others- ie crewlist. Also though I have enter Crewlist tab details and checked onboard, when in logbook and click Watch box, there is no lookup to the crewlist as in the videos.

Im sure ill have more questions - can you help, or point me in th eright direction?


 Post subject: Re: logbook layouts

Joined: 19 Jun 2014, 10:26
Posts: 2
I found things. Downloaded from ... ag/v1.2009, placed it in the home/.opencpn/plugins/logbook/data/ directory, extracted and have the layout files - and the help files!

 Post subject: Re: logbook layouts

Joined: 27 May 2012, 04:22
Posts: 1
Thank you.
Information has been really good.
Can you tell me how to change the language?

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