Navigatrix is mostly plug and play, with as little configuration as possible. Most things will work out of the box...most, except for the Garmin 18X.
GPS data is handled by a brilliant application called
gpsd (gps daemon). A
daemon runs in the background taking care of details we shouldn't have to bother with, speed, drivers, protocol, etc..
This data is made available at a given location. Any application that wants/needs gps/AIS data then can go and pick it up. It's simple, transparent, and pretty efficient; just plug and go...except for the Garmin 18X.
This little jewel of proprietary hardware won't play with the gps daemon as a daemon. GPSD needs to be reconfigured to run as an application rather than a daemon, (a fine, if not blurry, distinction indeed).
You already know how to open and use a terminal. For the 18X to work you will need to reconfigure the gpsd. Enter
sudo dpkg-reconfigure gpsd
This command give you superpowers and the terminal will look similar to the following images...possibly purple, rather than blue, but colour (and the spelling of color) in this case doesn't matter. Make what you see in your terminal look like what you see (except for the colour) in the following images. The
<tab> key moves you around and cycles through your options if you get too excited and overshoot.
<Enter> commits the screen and moves you to the next screen.
LXTerminal_001.png [ 16.73 KiB | Viewed 23999 times ]
LXTerminal_002.png [ 23.5 KiB | Viewed 23999 times ]
LXTerminal_003.png [ 27.7 KiB | Viewed 23999 times ]
This is the only tricky part. You need to add
-N to the line with
-n -b -G. Order is not important.Spa cing is. Tab to
<Ok> when your done and
<Enter> to go to the last exciting screen.
LXTerminal_004.png [ 20.8 KiB | Viewed 23999 times ]
LXTerminal_005.png [ 19.86 KiB | Viewed 23999 times ]
<Ok> and
<Enter> to finish the reconfiguration.
Don't despair, the fun is not over just yet. Enter
gksu medit /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist.conf
Scroll down to line #37-38. You will see
# most apps now use garmin usb driver directly (Ubuntu: #114565)
blacklist garmin_gpsPlace an octothorpe (
#), a hash symbol (
#), a pound (weight) sign (
#), or a number identifier (
#) at the beginning of
blacklist garmin_gps.
# blacklist garmin_gps
This "comments out" the blacklisting of the garmin driver so it can be used. The double negatives will hurt your brain if you think about it too hard, so think about it at your own risk.
Save, exit, and reboot. also might want to un-do any other changes you've made, because the gpsd will now make data available to OpenCPN and other applications in the system.
Good luck.