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 Post subject: Morse Decoder

Joined: 18 Jul 2013, 12:24
Posts: 20
Anybody get xdemorse to work?

The file /~/.xdemorserc does not exist.

Perhaps this is the file that should be created to start configuring it? ... rserc.html

 Post subject: Re: Morse Decoder

Joined: 04 Nov 2010, 20:51
Posts: 1062
It's odd because I have the file in:

I don't have the Yaesu FT-847 radio to connect. I'm thinking this is for that radio. The application becomes apoplectic looking for it.

Take another look for the file.
sudo updatedb
As SuperUser DO UPDATE of the DataBase....then
locate xdemorserc
...see what you find.

But,yeah, the URL you listed is another configuration file...which might work better.

In the meantime I'll look for a configuration that works for other radios and sound cards.

 Post subject: Re: Morse Decoder
Site Admin

Joined: 05 Nov 2010, 01:00
Posts: 185
Please use the attached xdemorse and adapt the included configuration file to your sound card.
Especialy the line where it says: hw:1 may need to get changed to hw:0
and REAR_LEFT to the input you are using.
You just need to connect your audio to the audio input of your computer.
There is no need for any special radio.

These files will be also included in the next iso update.

xdemorse.7z [20.83 KiB]
Downloaded 441 times
 Post subject: Re: Morse Decoder

Joined: 18 Jul 2013, 12:24
Posts: 20
I may have been wrong about the .xdemorserc file not being in the home directory.

I tried the xdemorse.7z file. I am now getting the error:

Error reading Stereo or Mono mode
Quit and correct xdemorserc

I have tried all of the FRONT/REAR/SIDE, LEFT/RIGHT, MONO options.

 Post subject: Re: Morse Decoder
Site Admin

Joined: 05 Nov 2010, 01:00
Posts: 185
Did you use the .xdemorserc which is inside the .7z file? Also make sure to use the correct hw setting...maybe yours need to be 0

 Post subject: Re: Morse Decoder

Joined: 04 Nov 2010, 20:51
Posts: 1062
That version crapped out on me as well.

I did get it to fly with the .xdemorserc I've pasted to the bottom. I don't have a working radio at the moment to test how well it works...but at least the application doesn't spit up.

Depending on individual setup, this still might need the hw:1 changed to hw:0 depending on what sound card is inside.

Since I use a netbook I'll also make a pitch for the screen resolution changer found at as the window Xdemorse opens is too large for my 'maximum' default.

########### xdemorse RUNTIME CONFIGURATION FILE: xdemorserc #########
#                                                                   #
# PLEASE NOTE! In order to keep the parser for this file simple,    #
# the runtime configuration entries below must all be present and   #
# in the order presented, since they are all read-in in a fixed     #
# sequence. Blank lines or those starting with a # or white space   #
# are ignored.                                                      #
#                                                                   #
# PLEASE NOTE: It was very hard for me to migrate this
# program from the OSS API to the ALSA API, mainly because
# of the very sparse documentation and lack of a simple
# tutorial on Mixer programming. There may difficulties
# making this program run on platforms other than mine,
# if the sound card features are significantly different.
# Sound card hardware name: Default is hw:0 (first card).
# Other names can be hw:1 for the second sound card etc.
# There is a large number of possibilities for this entry
# which I can only just understand, but if this simple name
# string does not work, I am afraid you will need to have a
# look at the on-line ALSA documentation.
# The sampling rate of the sound card's DSP. This should as
# far as possible be the native speed of the DSP to avoid
# resampling, as it seems resampling distorts the signal.
# The "channel" to be used for sound capture. ALSA uses the
# notion of a channel for the description of what input is
# being used for capture. With todays sound cards that have
# surround sound etc there can be many inputs to choose from
# to connect the audio o/p from a receiver. These are the
# channel descriptions I know of (alsa-lib 1.0.20) that can be
# used with xdemorse.
# The default is FRONT_RIGHT
# Sound capture source: Default is Line
# line doesn't create a failure, but Capture was what this configuration file from
# the source code had eventhough it said the default is line
# Sound capture volume control: Default is Capture.
# If -- is set below, xdemorse will not try to set Capture volume
# Capture level: Useful range ~10-100%. Default is 80.
# The correct value must be found by testing, see xdemorse.html.
####### End of SOUND-CARD CONFIGURATION #######
####### xdemorse RUNTIME CONFIGURATION #######
# Maximum Morse speed to decode. xdemorse is internally limited to
# the range 6-60 Words per Minute, but you might want to limit the
# maximum speed to a lower value, as this also reduces susceptibility
# to radio noise which can "drag" the current WPM to high values, if
# Auto speed detection and tracking is enabled. Default is 40 wpm
# Minimum Morse speed to decode. xdemorse is internally limited to
# the range 6-60 Words per Minute, but you might want to limit the
# minimum speed since a very low setting can "lock" the Auto speed
# detection and tracking to this low value. Default is 10 wpm
# Initial Morse decoding speed WPM. Should be between above limits!
# Serial port device for CAT: Please specify the serial port device
# you intend to use for CAT control of your tranceiver. PLEASE NOTE:
# CAT is available only for the YAESU FT-847, FT857 and Elecraft K3,
# which I own. If you are using some other tranceiver, there is no
# need to edit this entry BUT DO NOT ACTIVATE CAT BELOW.
# Enable CAT for Yaesu FT847 or FT857 or K3 transceiver.
# Setting is FT847 or FT857 or K3 or NONE, if you have
# some other transceiver or don't want CAT.
# BFO Tone frequency. This is the frequency of the receiver's
# audio output when a CW signal is tuned in the center of the
# IF passband. Because xdemorse uses integer arithmatic to
# detect the signal and to display the waterfall (by using
# an integer FFT algorithm), this value will be rounded
# in xdemorse to a value that keeps the above functions at
# a reasonable accuracy. It is best to select a BFO frequency
# that divides exactly into the DSP sampling rate specified
# earlier in this file (e.g. 48000 / 500 = 96 samples per
# cycle of the BFO tone).

 Post subject: Re: Morse Decoder

Joined: 18 Jul 2013, 12:24
Posts: 20
I used the 7z file, as well as others I could find on the web and in the filesystem.

I tried both hw:0 and hw:1. I checked in the mixer and the sound card seems to be hw:0.

The xdemorserc posted above has two "Capture" lines, is that correct?

 Post subject: Re: Morse Decoder

Joined: 04 Nov 2010, 20:51
Posts: 1062
Yes, there are two Capture, but like I noted linedoesn't cause the thing to choke. It may not cause it to work either. It depends where you're pumping in the signal (mic/line).

The biggest problem is it's so poorly documented.

Give the .xdemorserc configuration (changing to hw:0) that I found in the source code of the latest version a whirl.

The applicalication should run and watch the waterfall for any indication of activity....and then start swaping.

If you run xdemorse -l from the commadline it will list all the mixer devices that it sees....unfortunately thats not good news in my case.
xdemorse -l
Printing out mixer device names
some can be eliminated off the bat; for others it's the process of elimination.

I'll keep looking.

 Post subject: Re: Morse Decoder
Site Admin

Joined: 05 Nov 2010, 01:00
Posts: 185
No, there is only one capture device. The other one is the mixer for this capture device. Also you can set FT857 to NONE if you do not have a FT857.

Moe, you are using the old version of xdemorse. The new one does not have the -l option. And the listed names do not match.

 Post subject: Re: Morse Decoder

Joined: 04 Nov 2010, 20:51
Posts: 1062
You're right David, on both accounts. It's the problem running multiple machines.

I'm currently on my third version. Errors in the original; errors in the version you provided. This last version I picked up from It is so new I can still smell the mimeograph fluid.

Long story short, I went back to the other machine and forgot where I was at.

The big honker config file I posted was from that source code of the package (2.4). It is the only version that runs (for me) without an error.... I just don't have any radio to test and tapping on the keyboard doesn't count, but it does appear that;

# Sound capture source: Default is Line
Capture a typo in the source.

 Post subject: Re: Morse Decoder
Site Admin

Joined: 05 Nov 2010, 01:00
Posts: 185
Yep, 2.4 is the version in the 7z file.... just compiled it from the mentioned url. Indeed, capture looks like a typo, but this was the config which was working on my setup.

 Post subject: Re: Morse Decoder

Joined: 04 Nov 2010, 20:51
Posts: 1062
The one in the 7z didn't work for me, and I'm wonder now if I was feeding it one of my munged up configuration files.

I just awoke and looked at the clock to find it's nearly half past August who knows what happened in my slumber.
I had to take a look at the source to see if I was getting the syntax correct. I'm not sure I was successful because I've found it always helps to know what you are looking for....ball park is better than none.

Couple in having no ability to test; add in my love/hate relationship and history of misunderstanding ALSA....I think it might be better if I just watch from the sidelines.

 Post subject: Re: Morse Decoder

Joined: 18 Jul 2013, 12:24
Posts: 20
I have a suspicion that no one has ever gotten xdemorse to decode morse. The only references on google are to people complaining that it does not work. ... rserc.html

I was able to get past the initial error messages by using this file, but changing the CAT configurations: FT847 to NONE and changing /dev/tts/2 to /dev/tty/2, and /dev/tts/0 to /dev/tty/0. I used the /dev/tty/* files because the tts files were not on my laptop so that caused an error. The tty files should never be accessed due to the NONE configuration (I hope).

I may continue working on trying to find the right sound device but I may just use fldigi instead.

 Post subject: Re: Morse Decoder

Joined: 04 Nov 2010, 20:51
Posts: 1062
uh, I don't have enough sense to keep quiet...on a laptop you prolly don't have a lot of seial ports. You might want to change the ttyX to ttyUSBX to go with the serial/USB converters you most likely are using. The devices also will look like /dev/tty1, /dev/tty2, or /dev/ttyUSB1, etc. Watch the position of the /.

from the commandline enter ls /dev/tty* and then plug in your CAT the command again and yuou will see the devices pop up. For hours of fun try watch -d -n 5 ls /dev/ttyUSB* Every 5 seconds it will LiSt /DEVices/TeleTYpewriterUniversalSerialBus*wildcard and highlight the differences from one listing to the next so you can see where they are going. Try it. Plug and Un-plug...but in your enthusiasm, don't forget to eat dinner

Oh, sorry, the NONE part of your post just sunk in. I think if you use a vaild , but unused, /dev/ttyX that might help your situation.

 Post subject: Re: Morse Decoder

Joined: 04 Nov 2010, 20:51
Posts: 1062
I went back and had another look.

This is the abreviated config file I used. Yes, Capture is twice.
# look at the on-line ALSA documentation.

# resampling, as it seems resampling distorts the signal.

# The default is FRONT_RIGHT
# Sound capture source: Default is Line
# Sound capture volume control: Default is Capture.
# If -- is set below, xdemorse will not try to set Capture volume
# Capture level: Useful range ~10-100%. Default is 80.
# The correct value must be found by testing, see xdemorse.html.

# Auto speed detection and tracking is enabled. Default is 40 wpm

# detection and tracking to this low value. Default is 10 wpm

# Initial Morse decoding speed WPM. Should be between above limits!

# need to edit this entry BUT DO NOT ACTIVATE CAT BELOW.

# some other transceiver or don't want CAT.

# cycle of the BFO tone).
The application fires up. For input I pumped the microphone through itt. The two little windows showed signal strength and code was decipher from the Chumbawumba CD plaing in the background.

You might have better luck using a radio tuned to some morse code.

 Post subject: Re: Morse Decoder

Joined: 22 Sep 2014, 23:54
Posts: 1
xdemorse was designed to use oss instead of Pulseaudio and the sample config file just needs to be copied over to the current users home directory

If you don't have osspd installed, go ahead and install it.
sudo apt-get install osspd

If you don't yet have the .xdemorserc file, go ahead and copy it from /usr/share/doc/xdemorse/ to your users home directory.
cp -a /usr/share/doc/xdemorse/xdemorserc ~/.xdemorserc

If you aren't controlling a FT847 OR FT857 transceiver than change that option to NONE in ~/.xdemorserc
sed -i -e 's/^FT847$/NONE/' ~/.xdemorserc ... bug/661963

 Post subject: Re: Morse Decoder

Joined: 04 Jul 2015, 18:29
Posts: 1
Where did you find this configuration file? I am using ubuntu 15.04, if anyone knows where I can find it I would be grateful, thanks.

 Post subject: Re: Morse Decoder

Joined: 04 Nov 2010, 20:51
Posts: 1062
In Navigatrix all things xdemorse
nx@nx:~$ sudo updatedb
nx@nx:~$ locate xdemorse
configuration file is in your home directory.

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