- A Voyager's Companion

Computeur wont start on the usb stick
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Author:  damien [ 09 Aug 2015, 05:22 ]
Post subject:  Computeur wont start on the usb stick

Hi all,

i try on different usb stick and on 2 different computeurs , after installing with navigatrix-setup.exe , everything look correct , but when trying to start on the usb , nothing happen , computeur start on normal session of windows8 .

That's about 2 days i'm trying to make it working , but have no idea to what to do to get it starting on navigatrix.

Any ideas ?

Thank's for your help


Author:  Moe [ 09 Aug 2015, 20:42 ]
Post subject:  Re: Computeur wont start on the usb stick

Are these different machines the same model?

Have you modified your BIOS/UEFI settings?

If you have modified them and it first tries, fails, and then reverts to Windows 8, because the USB doesn't present a usable system...

Did you check the checksum?

Author:  damien [ 10 Aug 2015, 02:42 ]
Post subject:  Re: Computeur wont start on the usb stick

Thanks for you answer ,

the both computeurs are different model , 1 asus +1 samsung , both with windows 8 , i try to find in the bios if something are wrong , but don't really know what i have to looking for .

Checksum doesnt work , when drag navigatrix.iso to md5sum.exe a dos windows open , something is show very fast , then dos window close ..

if any ideas ...



Author:  Moe [ 10 Aug 2015, 03:43 ]
Post subject:  Re: Computeur wont start on the usb stick

This has very bad visuals, but worth a look.

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