- A Voyager's Companion

Thuraya XT sat phone
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Author:  tonipez [ 03 Dec 2015, 11:30 ]
Post subject:  Thuraya XT sat phone

does anyone used this phone with the built-in connection manager?
Iridium and Isatphone are ok, and this one?
Thank you,

Author:  Moe [ 07 Dec 2015, 19:40 ]
Post subject:  Re: Thuraya XT sat phone

I don't know what a "built-in connection manager" is, but the Iridium satellite phones make a PPP connections.

I'm speculating Thuraya is just a different company, rather than different technologies.

If you have a phone number and port, reconfiguring WVDial should work to talk to the Thuraya servers.

Author:  David [ 13 Dec 2015, 17:53 ]
Post subject:  Re: Thuraya XT sat phone

As far as i remember the thuraya phone is connected over the ethernet port. Once connected you have to open a website. I think its or something like this. The manual will tell you. On the website you can activate or deactivate the internet connection.

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