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 Post subject: IPod friendly music player?

Joined: 25 Jan 2014, 13:24
Posts: 21
After some 25 years on Macs but now a confirmed Linux convert, id like a little advise.

I still have a MacBookPro vintage 10 y o running OSX.4 tiger.
This ole iTunes version doesn't want to recognize our iPods anymore thus making our life onboard a wee bit less enjoyable. I always used this machine and ITunes as a "docking station" of sorts to move music back and forth.

Since Apple has such a disrespectful way of treating one of their more loyal customers ;-), I would now like to run a software under NX which Can easily transfer music back and forth between various generations of IPods, an iPad Mini and whatever MP3 players there may be out there.

Which one could you recommend? I've googled a bit on it and Rythmbox and a couple others comes up. Obviously it would have to run under NX too.

 Post subject: Re: IPod friendly music player?

Joined: 04 Nov 2010, 20:51
Posts: 1062
I'm not the person to talk about this.

There is some documentation on the Navigatrix system already.

Slap this


in your browser and see if that gets you started in the right direction.

Every different model seems to have a hex code on it to keep users corralled, and any time I've tried I have never been 100% satisfied.

 Post subject: Re: IPod friendly music player?

Joined: 04 Nov 2010, 20:51
Posts: 1062
On second thought, you can be a guinea pig.

To make your live easier, open a terminaly with <ctrl><alt><t> enter
sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install gtkpod
this updates your package list so you'll get a current copy, and && then installs (240K download) the graphic user interface for all of those gtkpod scripts buried in the bowels of Navigatrix.

When it's done,

Menu> Sound & Video> gtkpod will launch a GUI for you to see.

I have no idea about it, but take a look.

 Post subject: Re: IPod friendly music player?

Joined: 25 Jan 2014, 13:24
Posts: 21
What would this forum be like without you Moe? I for one, would be completely lost!

Will try all that later today( i am on my iPad mini right now, great little tog for wi-fi and usch ;-) and report back!

-"coralled" is the key Word here.... Always hated that; guess a major reason I am hooked on sailing is the freedom and independence!

Cheers, Magnus

 Post subject: Re: IPod friendly music player?

Joined: 25 Jan 2014, 13:24
Posts: 21

Installed just fine, and my iPod Touch showed up nicely on the screen. Not a bad start for a guinea pig!

Filling up the 'music library' from my hard drive also worked right away.

So I had some reasonable progress! ;-)

Then trying to transfer music to the iPod, - no joy!

Tried drag and drop,and all other varieties I could imagine but not a single tune shows up on the Pod

' unsupported checksum' comes up on the screen every so often.

However, there is some evidence that I did copy the files to the iPod, since there is less free memory space left....just no way to find those files


 Post subject: Re: IPod friendly music player?

Joined: 04 Nov 2010, 20:51
Posts: 1062
Yeah, this is where it starts to confuse me. I don't know how they structure anything in those little boxes.

Looking at website
Selection_010.png [ 36.4 KiB | Viewed 23222 times ]
You got me.

Another option is continue to toss software at the problem until something clicks, as it's rare this problem is unique enough that a solution hasn't been done.

The big question is if the solution is easy enough you don't need advanced degrees or the right incantations.

I've heard Amarok or Banshee may do the trick. Both are available in the Package Manager. Amarok uses KDE so it might have to add some additional files to make it whole. The only problem is a few extra packages.

 Post subject: Re: IPod friendly music player?

Joined: 25 Jan 2014, 13:24
Posts: 21
Just the path I thought I'd choose too, still try that and report back, perhaps someone else could benefit...

 Post subject: Re: IPod friendly music player?

Joined: 25 Jan 2014, 13:24
Posts: 21
OK, so here it goes... installed Banshee, darn nice music player BTW. Unfortunately it didnt do it either with my iPod Touch `about 5 y o` or my iPad Mini Retina almost 2 y o.

The iPad seems completely non campatible, with the iPod Touch i can copy myt music to the 'iTunes Music' folder in File Manager, and harddrive 'free space' diminishes accordingly....but that's it. Can't et to it on the iPod.

I have just finished a couple hours searching various Linux forums etc. and it doesnt seem like too many others had much success either.

My best option is to upgrade my vintage MacBook Pro from OSX.10.4 Tiger to 10.5.xx Leopard of some sort. Would be easy and nice had I not been located where I am.

Anyway, quite happy with Banshee and the new version of Open CPN and all...

and yeah, LInux rocks in many ways...just installed a CAD program and a Sail Design ditto....probably more fun than games! cheers

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