Can't find this qtVlm location
It's unclear if you mean the origin, or the destination (copy,
cp, has an origin and destination) and that is probably moot.
But, I'll make a stab in the dark and guess you have made a typo.
If it is a typo, my guess is the origin, as I have no idea where,
or if, you unpacked the downloaded archive.
This command
cd ~/Downloads && tar -zxvf qtVlm-5.3.1_32.tar.gz
changes your terminal's directory to
/home/<your_user_id>/Downloads directory
where you have already downloaded the
qtVlm-5.3.1_32.tar.gz archive.
&& AND after successfully switching to that
Downloads directory unpacks (
tar -zxvf) the archive.
Because of the way the archive was constructed, everything is unpacked into its own directory,
qtVlm. Use your File Manager to visually verify (Look in Downloads, in your home). If it's not there...probably a typo.
Executing the second command
sudo cp -r qtVlm /opt/ means, acting as a 'super user' (root), recursively copy the directory
qtVlm (which was just created), and its contents, to the new location
/opt/. The trailing "
/" means it will end up as
/opt/qtVlm thereby overwriting the old qtVlm files.
If you have done the above instructions and get an error...you have a typo.
Without seeing verbatim what you have entered AND the machine's response, it could be (exaggerating)
almost anything and we could spend a lot of time guessing (not exaggerating) when it is probably just a typographically error.