- A Voyager's Companion |
Installing its own Nx |
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Author: | Phil171 [ 16 Sep 2016, 03:47 ] |
Post subject: | Installing its own Nx |
Hello gentlemen, Is it possible to install Lubuntu 14.04 and after install some softwares normally installed in NX to build a personal Nx ? Is there some tricks and tips to be sure those soft works properly. Or is it better to install Nx and remove soft not used or not useful ? Thanks for your help Philippe from France |
Author: | Phil171 [ 23 Sep 2016, 05:26 ] |
Post subject: | Re: Installing its own Nx |
Up ! No answer ? |
Author: | David [ 25 Sep 2016, 18:51 ] |
Post subject: | Re: Installing its own Nx |
Both ways are possible. But it is easier to install navigatrix and remove what you do not want. |
Author: | Phil171 [ 26 Sep 2016, 04:47 ] |
Post subject: | Re: Installing its own Nx |
Thanks for your answer, David. I posed this question to know if any modules or software were locked or required a specific installation procedure. To reinstall them if necessary to suit my needs. |
Author: | David [ 26 Sep 2016, 06:04 ] |
Post subject: | Re: Installing its own Nx |
There is no locked modules. But many programs have specially adapted configurations or custom loaders to make them work right away with the gps or to add other functions useful on a boat. OpenCPN for example is adapted to make it work as a AIS when connected to the unfiltered Audio Output of a VHF Radio without intagrated AIS. Most of these scripts are located in /usr/local/bin where you can look closer what they do. There is also some patches added to the system to remove certain bugs. For example in GPSd to make sure GPS gets detected always at boot time. Or a special USB port handler to provide static com ports to Airmail and other tools that need it. There is also some software which comes from none standart repositories or has been made specially for navigatrix, like celnav the tool for sextant navigation. So basically this is LUbubtu with a bunch of modifications to make it run smoothly with the navigation tools out of the box. Unfortunatly the new version of navigatrix is now way behind schedule since i broke my leg in an accident and had to stay quite a while in Hospital. Its just now that i could go back to the boat where the development enviroment is installed with all the different boat instruments hooked up to the computer for testing and developing. However, let us know if you are about to have some special modifications that could benefit other sailors. I would be happy to include them. |
Author: | Phil171 [ 26 Sep 2016, 13:27 ] |
Post subject: | Re: Installing its own Nx |
OK David, I understand. I was thinking to install LUbuntu and then install softs listed in NX to build my own Lubuntu but it seems to be a little bit tricky to have same functions than in NX Nx Is really one of the best "Out of the box" for sailors I never have had and I have allways a copi of the ISO file in case of... For instant, I'm working whit Xubuntu, OpenCPN and some softwares included as add-on in OpenCPN, it works well but I don't use and have "exotics" softwares like GnuAIS, XGate, Celnav or Wine. About a new version of NX, I've post a thread about my problems with the latest version (V16) of XUbuntu or maybe LUbuntu (I don't know...not extensively tested) who are unstable in both 32 or 64 bits with my Dell Vostro 1510 and I prefer stay with an "old" version but stable of Nx. Take care of you, keep calm and wait to be rehabilitated to thoroughly test the new version. I know what it is, I broke my shoulder a few years earlier by sliding my boat on cradle. . . Best Regards from France, Philippe |
Author: | Phil171 [ 03 Dec 2016, 12:38 ] |
Post subject: | Re: Installing its own Nx |
Well... I've installed NX for a personal test. Remark : It is a pity to load W$ for installing Nx but I don't know how to do from Linux or Xubuntu to install on a USB stick. Anyway... If you install on the HDD, DO NOT perform any Code: sudo apt-get dist-upgrade .In this case, you switch to Lubuntu 15.04 but it does'nt boot and you have to reinstall a fresh version of Nx... ![]() |
Author: | David [ 03 Dec 2016, 12:49 ] |
Post subject: | Re: Installing its own Nx |
you can use the startup-disk-creator in linux. it comes in most distributions preinstalled. and yes. a dist upgrade is not a good idea. its asking for problems. |
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