- A Voyager's Companion

scanned charts on OpenCPN
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Author:  springbok [ 15 Jan 2017, 17:37 ]
Post subject:  scanned charts on OpenCPN

I've been trying to scan some charts to use in OpenCPN. So far I've used the chart convertor to create a bmp which I've georeferenced, however I don't know how to proceed from here as OpenCPN doesn't seem to recognise the file. Can anyone tell me where I've gone wrong or what I need to do next?



Author:  Moe [ 15 Jan 2017, 17:52 ]
Post subject:  Re: scanned charts on OpenCPN

Which instruction set are you following?

This is around


But I don't know if it's applicable to your situation, or is still a valid/current process?

Author:  kaimusailing [ 30 Dec 2017, 19:03 ]
Post subject:  Re: scanned charts on OpenCPN

I am now trying to map cal some .png charts that have been converted from .pcx tiles. I have never done map cal in navigatrix before, but did it long ago on a windows machine. I read the OpenCPN and SeaClear manuals and followed the instructions as closely as I was able. When I enter four calibration points on the chart and click on save calibration data, an error message pops up about division by zero. These are old charts that I really don't want to use as the only source of navigation information, but if they were loaded into OpenCPN they would be available when I was in that area, and they have pilotage information that could be very useful.

I participated in several boat deliveries recently and on the last one the owner and the skipper agreed that OpenCPN running in Navigatrix on a Getac B300X was the most convenient and useful navigation device on board. The B300X is waterproof and has a screen capable of daylight viewing, so we could plop it right in front of the helmsman an pilot into port. That boat was well equipped with a Raymarine and a Garmin chartplotter, around 7 inch screens, too bad they weren't user friendly.

I may fire up my old windows machine and try calibrating charts there, but it seems to be a lot of work transferring files back and forth.

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