- A Voyager's Companion

bad Elf Bluetooth GPS - plug and play?
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Author:  svnanna [ 02 Jul 2017, 12:17 ]
Post subject:  bad Elf Bluetooth GPS - plug and play?

For a wee be it less than 200$ I find this a very interesting device! about the same price as a Garmin 72 or similar.

On their site it says "Win 10 -iOS-Android"

So what with Linux, anyone tried and using?

Author:  David [ 04 Jul 2017, 10:00 ]
Post subject:  Re: bad Elf Bluetooth GPS - plug and play?

Never had one of these. But for the laptop i would always go for a BU-353S4. Less then 23USD, very sensitive gps chip and no wireless connection problems.

Author:  svnanna [ 21 Jul 2017, 17:55 ]
Post subject:  Re: bad Elf Bluetooth GPS - plug and play?

You are correct of course, for the price it's by far the best. But for use on a tablet, or even several If so inclined, could be kewl :mrgreen:

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