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Security issues with Intel processor
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Author:  lapaloma [ 05 Jan 2018, 11:43 ]
Post subject:  Security issues with Intel processor

Hi all,

is there a solution for the security problems with Intell and other processors for Spectre and Meltdown. Do we have to make a upgrade of the NX system now to avoid trouble.


Author:  Phil171 [ 05 Jan 2018, 12:14 ]
Post subject:  Re: Security issues with Intel processor

Hi Ferdinand,
For two days I've read about everything and its opposite about this Intel problem. It would seem that it is only on servers machines, but the best way is to wait a bit and read the 'good' publications, not gossip and tweets, I think...


Author:  David [ 12 Jan 2018, 23:24 ]
Post subject:  Re: Security issues with Intel processor

My thought about it: If you do not go online its no problem at all. And if you go online: Use the latest version of Firefox. You would have to update this to the newest one. They included a patch which makes it almost impossible to abuse the security hole through the web browser.

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