- A Voyager's Companion |
.Kap charts disappear in OpenCPN |
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Author: | Roland [ 20 Jan 2018, 11:03 ] |
Post subject: | .Kap charts disappear in OpenCPN |
File comment: Logfile from OpenCPN with error displaying the .kap file Hello friends,![]() Downloaded 280 times first of all I would like to say thanks for this great distribution. Some weeks ago I started to use NAVIGATRIX to georefference scanned charts. Some of the scans have been done with a big A2 scanner, others I scanned with a A4 scanner and stitched them with HUGIN, which worked quite nice after some workaround to find the right settings. The charts have been integrated in OpenCPN and it just worked. Now I got a stiched A2 chart from a chart set provided by NV-Charts. The chart is NL2.C7 2016 with unknown projection. I scanned with the A4 scanner and stitched them with a good result. Then converted the chart to PNG file. I georefferenced with the SeaClear tools provided in NAVIGATRIX like I did before and the whole process gave me a .kap file which has been added to the appropriate chart folder for OpenCPN. The database was renewed. The borders of the chart where shown in OpenCPN but while zooming in and clicking on that chart in the chart bar below the main window it disappeared. I tried to do the whole process several times even with reduced colors but without success. I tried on several linux laptops and windows laptops with always the same result. I linked the file to OpenCPN in the property settings and gave access control to anyone so there are no restrictions. Is there any advice how to proceed with this issue? Thanks everyone Roland, DJ5SL c/o SY SummerLady, Lelystad NL 28.Jan2018 Hello again, after a lot of trying and searching it seems, the mistake is a disrupted .PNG file. I don't know the reason but in the last line of the KAP-HEADER was RGB/127,0,0,0 which was obviously a problem for OpenCPN to load the chart. After using a BMP file to create the .kap file this line changed to RGB/127/245,247,248 and the file was shown in Open CPN. Now it works. Tx Roland |
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