- A Voyager's Companion

Install Navigatrix-разметка диска
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Author:  ua0fua [ 03 Jan 2014, 16:09 ]
Post subject:  Install Navigatrix-разметка диска

Hello! I ask the Board-mounted Navigatrix the second system, next to the Linux mint 13 First put Linux under /-left 30 GB swap-3 GB, and home-about 130 GB. Then put a Navigatrix next. But something's not right-you need to edit topics in gParted,I not.Help me. Council, scan below...

Author:  ua0fua [ 03 Jan 2014, 16:19 ]
Post subject:  Re: Install Navigatrix-разметка диска

DSCN0038.JPG [ 404.17 KiB | Viewed 19023 times ]

Author:  Moe [ 03 Jan 2014, 20:45 ]
Post subject:  Re: Install Navigatrix-разметка диска

To say the's an unknown filesystem on /dev/sda7.

I don't know what it is. The computer system doesn't know what it is.

But looking at the /dev/sdaX order and placement this is what happened:

Your original drive was partitioned:

/dev/sda1 --> ext4 filesystem (probably / for Mint)
/dev/sda2 --> Extended Partition subdivided
-->/dev/sda5 swap
-->/dev/sda6 ext4 filesystem (possibly /home for Mint)
-->/dev/sda7 'unknown' (I'm guessing incomplete formating during the Mint installation.)

When you installed Navigatrix /dev/sda6 was subdivided with the addition of /dev/sda8.

You can tell this because it is sequentially out of order ...5-6-8-7.

/dev/sda7 was not used because the computer system has no idea what it is. Why? It's a mystery...possibly badly formatted, bad one knows and /dev/sda7 isn't telling.

If you don't know what it is and are confident you never need to know what is on /dev/sda7 (you probably don't)...delete it and reformat it to something you can use.

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