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 Post subject: Raspberry Pi 2 B and navigatrix?

Joined: 06 Aug 2014, 11:44
Posts: 1
I've been using Navigatrix for a while and I'm very satisfied with it!
But since the Raspberry came along I've switched to that little machine (with Opencpn), it has several advantages: it's cheap (40 euro's), it consumes 3 watt, no ventilator and every screen with HDMI can be connected.

But I miss a lot of features of navigatrix and I'm sure that a combination of both would be perfect. The problem is that it has an ARM processor aboard, so it isn't compatible with Navigatrix

Is there a possibility to make Navigatrix compatible with an ARM structure?

Specs Raspberry Pi 2b

900MHz quad-core ARM Cortex-A7 CPU
Like the (Pi 1) Model B+, it also has:
4 USB ports
40 GPIO pins
Full HDMI port
Ethernet port
Combined 3.5mm audio jack and composite video
Camera interface (CSI)
Display interface (DSI)
Micro SD card slot
VideoCore IV 3D graphics core

 Post subject: Re: Raspberry Pi 2 B and navigatrix?

Joined: 04 Nov 2010, 20:51
Posts: 1062
Is there a possibility to make Navigatrix compatible with an ARM structure?
The newer Pi, with 1GB memory, handles the requirements of OpenCPN, which is probably the most resource intensive application that Navigatrix runs. It's not stellar, but acceptable.

What the PI can't run, so far, is Wine, and Airmail, for Pactor use requires Wine.

So, yes, with the exception of Airmail, it is possible to port Navigatrix to ARM, but nobody has taken the time to hammer out the details so every use is not a drama.

 Post subject: Re: Raspberry Pi 2 B and navigatrix?
Site Admin

Joined: 09 Dec 2010, 13:43
Posts: 19
I conceive Navigatrix as the Swiss Army Knife for sailors so such tool-kit needs a versatile computer and ARM platforms are very useful but limited in certain aspects.

This do not mean that ARM platforms are not useful on sea. I think Navigatrix is helpful before, while and after sailing and I see ARM platforms as conventional plotters (while).

Therefore, I have started the OpenPlotter project running on Raspberry Pi:

I hope you like it.

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