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 Post subject: cm 93ed2

Joined: 04 Apr 2013, 07:53
Posts: 2
Help, Gulp...I have cm93ed2 and run max sea 10. I am ordered by my girlfriend to get a compute that works properly. So will Navigatrix run my cm93ed2 charts on a windows 8 computer. Or if not i am finding it hardto find what will Thanks

 Post subject: Re: cm 93ed2

Joined: 04 Nov 2010, 20:51
Posts: 1062
Navigatrix uses OpenCPN which reads cm93ed2 charts. Checkout:

You will have to adjust your BIOS/UEFI to have Navigatrix boot from the media that you've installed the downloaded ISO....but yeah, it's easier than finding a new girlfriend. ‘avago and let us know.

 Post subject: Re: cm 93ed2

Joined: 04 Apr 2013, 07:53
Posts: 2
Thanks i have the shiny new windows 8 compute.. am now having BIG compute head ache...for years i have been running the following on XP; usb to serial adaptors, seatty fax, max sea 10 cm93ed2 (we solved that i believe), and easymail 1.15 for sat c thrane and thrane TT3022 transceiver. I love the Linux idea but can i get all this crap to work or will I have to use my old xp bricks and keep shiny new lap to show off at airports? :|

 Post subject: Re: cm 93ed2

Joined: 04 Nov 2010, 20:51
Posts: 1062
Ok, first off it seems I should make a distinction between software and hardware. Excuse me if I cover what you already know.

Software is more like the thoughts in our heads rather than the brains in which they reside.

Hardware is the stuff you hold in your hand or drop on the floor. It makes noise; causes heat; gets dirty; has oatmeal spilled on it; and smells bad when it burns.

Your old and shiny new computers; your usb to serial adaptors; your gps; your TT3022 transceiver....they are hardware.

Windows XP; Windows 8; seatty; max sea 10; cm93ed2; and easymail 1.15 for sat c....they are all software.

Windows XP and 8 have the additional classification of being an Operating System (OS). They are a collection, a suite, of software programs that function together to control hardware and run other software programs.

Linux and Apples' OSX are two additional well known operating systems. There's also a mind-numbing variety of other OSes that runs on different hardware for different reasons and purposes.

Linux will run with a greater variety of hardware than any other OS in the world...from cell phones to supercomputers.

However, for this discussion, most old and shiny new chunks of hardware that people think of as "computers" run a variation of either Windows, OSX, or Linux as an OS....for whatever reason.

Navigatrix is a variety of Linux that runs on older and newer personal computers. It also runs a wide variety of software 'out of the box'. Frequently that software is different even though the function is the same/similar.

But you raise two questions:

1) Will it run the software I want it to run?

2) Will it do what I want it to do?

...and, yes, they are two separate questions.

SeaTTY receives weather faxes from an HF radio through the sound card.

I don't know if SeaTTY will run in Navigatrix. It was written for the Windows platform. A legit copy is $49USD.

Navigatrix can run some Windows programs, like Airmail (a Windows program) which can receive weather faxes through the sound card. With a Pactor Modem (a ham license or $100) you can also send/receive emails.

There is another weather fax via sound card program (HFFax) that is included in Navigatrix (some ham radio programs too...but that wasn't your question).

MaxSea won't run on Navigatrix. It barely runs on the OS for which it was designed. Bootleg copies are even more temperamental. It's flashy and does more things than you can shake a sextant at...

I don't need to bash it; everyone I've talked to prefers OpenCPN (Linux or Windows). It reads CM93 charts and a variety of raster chart formats. The OpenCPN version in Navigatrix is easy and stable.

For the budget minded among us you can feed a modified VHF radio in through the sound card and you have an AIS overlay on your charts. (Check out

Now, your last issue....easymail for your Inmarsat-c

I don't know. I don't know if the easymail program would work. Right now I'm not really sure what it does....or rather the extent of its function.

I use to receive weather faxes and send and receive emails through a SSB radio. I blew out one radio in the Caribbean; one radio in Panama. By the time we reached the Galapagos we had lost it again....It's a long story filed under "Lesson learned in buying second hand electronics".

We bought an Iridium, plugged it into computer and picked up GRIBs via Navigatrix's GRIB program and Iridium connection. I would also send/receive email while connected. It's possible to surf the internet but I wouldn't recommend it.

I wasn't using Iridium proprietary software and purported data compression. I also wasn't using a subscription service. SMS was free and that became a primary means of blog posting and communication.

I've since had a conversation with the University of Sydney professor who contributed the Navigatrix/Iridium communication settings. These are the settings he used in Antartica. He said that with the exception of some protocol overhead the GRIB was about as fast as it could be. The email throughput could have been improved because it was uncompressed.

The settings for Inmarsat-c might have to be tailored in Navigatrix...but I think it can be done.

Ya' never know until ya' try.

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