- A Voyager's Companion

Xsession warning
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Author:  ketchkaraka [ 30 Sep 2013, 15:11 ]
Post subject:  Xsession warning

hello, i have navigatrix installed on my harddrive, it was working fine for a while but now when booting it tells me:

Xsession:warning: unable to write to /tmp; Xsession may exit with an error.

when i click okay to that, it sends me to the login page, but after i enter my username and password it send me right back to the xsession warning. the only way out is to click on the quit button.

how do i solve this?

Author:  Moe [ 30 Sep 2013, 18:20 ]
Post subject:  Re: Xsession warning

The most likely cause is your partition is full to the brim.

When you start your machine there is not enough room for the creation of temporary working files to get everything up and running.

The easiest method, and I'm all about the easy, is to boot from a Navigatrix USB and make some space.

Making space is done either of two ways:

Use the Partition Editor to increase the size of the partition;


Use the File Manager (use Tools> Open Current Folder As Root) to delete some junk laying around. A good first place to look is /var/cache/apt/archives<---On your hard drive partition which will be located at /media/<whatever>/var/cache/apt/archives/...because you booted from a USB, remember. You can remove everything there. There might be other deletions you can make to temporarily alleviate the space problem depending on what/where you've loaded up.

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