- A Voyager's Companion

Airmail doesnt pick up position
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Author:  billlion [ 09 Sep 2014, 04:57 ]
Post subject:  Airmail doesnt pick up position

I have a PACTOR usb modem and I don't have an NMEA input to that. Gpsd is gtting position from a USB GPS and that works fine in OpenCPN. How do I configure airmail to get the position for position reports and propagation predictions if it does not come in a com port?

Author:  Moe [ 09 Sep 2014, 10:04 ]
Post subject:  Re: Airmail doesnt pick up position

Airmail picks up the lat/lon for the Position report through a 'side door'. When Airmail is launched the latest lat/lon when a gps was attached to the system magically appears.

The gut of it are in /usr/local/bin/airmail

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