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 Post subject: update softwares and firefox problem

Joined: 11 Oct 2014, 03:27
Posts: 13
I 've done :preferences: "update software", now on the grub menu (dual boot) it's not more "navigatrix but Ubuntu , my problem now is :
using Firefox I'cannot save any pictures from the web or any video from youtube,it looks like the picture is downloading but it doesn't, sometimes the picture is finally downloaded when I restart firefox but sometimes not; PDF are downloaded without problem.
I've tried to disinstall Firefox (Synaptic :uninstall firefox-then I renamed in 'my personnal folder .mozilla in .mozilla_vieux and reinstall the paquet, but no result.
I hope you understand what I'm trying to explain
Thank you to help me

 Post subject: Re: update softwares and firefox problem

Joined: 04 Nov 2010, 20:51
Posts: 1062
Bon jour, Zelda. The GRUB problem is just a label. You can leave it alone, handhack it, or use the GRUB Customizer.

When the GRUB Customizer is installed
sudo dpgk -i ~/Downloads/grub-customizer_2.5.7.1-0ubuntu1~ppa1l_i386.deb
it makes GRUB menu modification a breeze.

Now, if you're downloading things and can't find where they are going....this could be a problem.

You mentioned pictures as problematic...try this:

Download this little picture, e.g.. You can use another if you want.

After you're downloaded it, saved it, done whatever you do, open a terminal and enter
sudo updatedb
this (re)builds an index of files on your computer.
locate gps3proof
will scan the index to find the location of where your files are going.

If it returns empty handed, well, we'll take another look.

 Post subject: Re: update softwares and firefox problem

Joined: 11 Oct 2014, 03:27
Posts: 13
Hi Moe
"Now, if you're downloading things and can't find where they are going....this could be a problem."
In fact, this is not my problem, I cannot download anything, for example to download the picture you send,I see the window of download files with a point running like the the system is preparing or waiting but I have to close firefox and when I start it again I can get the picture (or not.)
To download video from youtube, I installed the extension donwloadthemall but it's not working anymore, I have tried manythings I found of the web, even reinstall Firefox and I don't find a solution!

 Post subject: Re: update softwares and firefox problem

Joined: 04 Nov 2010, 20:51
Posts: 1062
Isn't this strange?

If you've downloaded that little image (or any other image), after you have updated the index (sudo updatedb), does the image show up when you locate <name_of_image>?

We are trying to find out if the download actually does download, and if so...where does it go?

If it doesn't 'finish', or become stored anywhere on your machine, then we would look in other directions for a cause/solution.

I don't intend to be this dense. It just come naturally, and this is an odd situation.

 Post subject: Re: update softwares and firefox problem

Joined: 11 Oct 2014, 03:27
Posts: 13
Oh :? ,I am the dense one, because I'm unable to explain things , I'm not so easy with linux and I don't understand everything too!

When I click to download a picture, everything looks normal except the download doesn't end and when I close firefox ,I get a window who says "you have a download in progress (or something equivalent) do you want to cancel it ? and I click yes, firefox shut down and when it start again , I can see the blue arrow of the download box who lights because the picture is located where I ask to download it.
So no surprise when I ask to locate the file, it's in the right place, but I don't want to close the browser each time I have to download things..
I think it's a problem with firefox , probably not with Navigatrix, but I'm not sure to have uninstalled it completely, because when I reinstall the paquet, an extension was already there , maybe should I look for a new paquet, how ?
I've tried the option "repare firefox" without success
Thank you for your help

 Post subject: Re: update softwares and firefox problem

Joined: 11 Oct 2014, 03:27
Posts: 13
Finally I resolve the problem, it was a module "shockwave flash" who was responsable, I didn't yet try for the videos but now I can DL pictures!
Great :D
thank you for again for your help

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